Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Cutest UNR Fan

TJ came home just in time for the first home game so we took Isabelle to her first UNR game. She even had on her blue and white to support the pack. Her outfit was so cute that she made channel 8 news.

Check out the video!

Just watching the game!

All the cheering and clapping wore her out.


GG said...

Holy Cow - Seems being on Channel 8is fast becoming a family tradition. Good for Isabelle - following in her father's foot steps. I still have
the "autographed" coffee mug that TJ gave us from his appearance on Channel 8. She looked absolutely darling in her "pack uniform".

The Baldwin Family said...

She is an upcoming STAR I can see it already! She is so cute, Auntie Cam loves her SOOOO MUCH!!