Sunday, August 1, 2010

Our Little Monkey

Bronson is such a sweet, noisy, cuddly baby. I think Bronson is very similar to how little miss Isabelle used to be. Except he is growing so much faster, he is already wearing 3 month clothes.
He is my big boy!
We have been so lucky with our babies, they love to sleep. Bronson is only waking up twice a night. After the second wake up though he is just a noisy little thing. You would think he was wide awake. He just moans and groans while he sleeps! It must be a boy thing, cause Cousin Bradley is the same way.
When our little monkey is awake he loves to be held and walked around. He is definitely in the observation stage.
Thank goodness for the baby Bjorn!
He also loves to be talked to, whenever you sit and talk to him he will give you his little baby grin, his smile melts my heart!
He is just Perfect!


Heather said...

He is looking so much more like Isabelle in those photos!

GG said...

What a handsome little guy. Sweet smile and a twinkle in his eyes. He's growing waaaaaay to fast. Just want to squeeze him.

Lindsey said...

He's starting to get his Buxton tan too:)