Monday, August 16, 2010

Always Having Fun

Little Miss Isabelle will have fun doing anything.
Today we were at the mall and came across an area with a variety of different mechanical kid rides. I was so excited! I have been wanting to see her reaction on one of these toys. So we picked the speed boat. Then we realized we had no quarters. I can imagine what the other parents around us were thinking "really they don't have $0.75 for the ride.
Our we bad parents or what?
We still put her in the boat and she had a blast. She just sat there and steered. After she docked the boat she decided she wanted to be the train conductor. It was non stop fun for Isabelle.
For now on I will keep my purse filled with change.


GG said...

Holy cow! 75 cents? My goodness time marches on. I remember the most I ever paid for a kids' rides was 25 cents. Oh boy, I'm sounding like my mom.

Heather said...

Too funny! Carter did the same thing only, we weren't as excited about his attraction to them. It was so strong that even after "riding" each ride with no quarters, he had his first temper tantrum when we tried to leave. Now, we avoid that area at all cost ;)