Saturday, January 9, 2010

One Small Step for Baby, One Bitter Sweet Moment For Us

We will remember yesterday for the rest of our lives. Isabelle took her first steps, we just could not believe that our little baby walked all by herself. Prefect timing too, we were both there to see it. It was an amazing moment!
How it happened:
Once Daddy arrived home from work we had family play time. Isabelle decided she wanted to play with his cell phone, so Daddy made her stand and play with it. I sat across from them and asked her to bring me the phone. And that's when it happened. Our little baby took those first steps. It had to be one of the most exciting moments of our lives. At the same time though, it's sad to think that our baby is growing up.

Here is alittle snapshot of the moment. It is a close up, so you can really only see her little legs. We will try to get a better video of her walking.


GG said...

Oh my gosh. I got as excited as you two. She acts as though she's been doing the walking thing all along OR she was concentrating so hard on handing you the phone, she was unaware that she was walking. Either way, look out mom and dad. She'll be all over the house now. Rah, rah Isabelle. You just became a toddler.

Heather said...

Yeah! What a big girl!

Gramma Cupcake said...

Oh my gosh! She's a real toddler now!
Gramma Cupcake