Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Almost 1, How Exciting and So Sad

Only one more week before our little Isabelle turns 1!

I just do not know where this whole year went.

I guess time flies by when your having fun. That is definitely the truth for this past year.

I am just going through a ton of emotions. I am so excited to experience the next step of having a toddler, but I am going to really miss Isabelle being our tiny little baby. It is sad to think that her first year is almost over. It feels like yesterday when we brought her home from the hospital. It was amazing to see her grow through the year (being able to roll over, her first giggle, sitting up, her first smile, crawling, I can go on forever.) I will cherish this last year for the rest of my life.

I just hope time slows down or I find a way to keep my babies small forever.

The first picture is when we brought her home from the hospital. Now look how big she looks in her car seat. I just had to show this. A big difference in one year!
Her little feet even hang off the end!


Heather said...

At least your little baby can still use her car seat! Oh Graco car seat, how I miss you and the ease of which you allowed me to transport Carter!!!

Miss our little big girl! Happy Birthday early sweetie pie.

Gramma Cupcake said...

I feel like it was last week that we all gathered at the hospital to meet her too!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see her next week!
Gramma Cupcake

GG said...

This is just the beginning of time flying. Our babies are God's blessings. Just think of all the accomplishments to come. You'll be amazed at Isabelle's future growing stages. Can't wait to help her celebrate her first birthday. Hugs and kisses to our little Princess.