Monday, August 13, 2012

Family Reunion

The family reunion was in Morro bay this year and we had so much fun. We decided to all ride down in the Baldwin's RV. The kids loved it!! It made the 8 hour drive fly by. My grandparents had an RV when I was little and those are some of the best memories I have from my childhood. So I was thrilled to take the kids in the RV. It was so nice to spend the weekend with everyone, the kids had so much fun together. We are looking forward to next years reunion!!
So when we got home we looked and looked for the perfect RV for us.
And we found it!!
So here is the Buxton's bus!!
We are so excited for our first trip in a few weeks.


A Cottage Industry said...

So excited for you guys!!!! I hope you're planning at least one rad trip up the coast to the Pacific Northwest....!
Gramma Cupcake

Lindsey said...

OMG!! You need a clever license plate!!!